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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. I document my adventures in DIY, interior design, entertaining, and fashion all while sharing little tidbits of my life along the way. Thanks so much for following along. It seriously means the world to me!

DIY This $178 Swiss Cross Throw for $20

DIY Home

I'm really loving the cross or plus sign (whatever you want to call it) patterns I'm seeing. Hence, this next DIY - a cross patterned throw. My inspiration was this $178 Swiss Cross Throw from LEIF, which I ADORE. I totally suggest buying it when it becomes available again. However, since it's currently unavailable, and I don't quite have the $178 to spend, I decided to DIY it. And let me tell you folks, it looks absolutely fabulous in my bedroom! Hop on over to Brit to see my full tutorial.

Swiss Cross Throw
Swiss Cross Throw DIY
DIY Cross Throws
Plus Sign Throw

Here are all of my projects for Brit + Co. Hope you likey! If you do, I'd love it if you keep in touch with me below!

Would you BUY or DIY? I'm curious to know.

Geometric Plate Chargers

Garden Party Bridal Shower