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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. I document my adventures in DIY, interior design, entertaining, and fashion all while sharing little tidbits of my life along the way. Thanks so much for following along. It seriously means the world to me!

On Vaca

Vacation Image

Hi babes!  This is just a lil' note to let you all know I will be on vaca for the rest of the week!  I'll be back to the good 'ol blog posts next week.  Can't wait to see you again ;-).

P.S. OMG this photo!  Can you just not get enough!?

P.P.S. I haven't really given  you much to go off of with this post ... but if you want to follow me sign up below! You'll get a free gift and exclusive DIYs. Maybe snoop around my site a bit to get a better idea of what I do :-).

Photo Source: Chrissy Costigan

How to Do a Gallery Wall

Light 'Em Up: DIY Copper Lamp 2 Ways